Wednesday 22 June 2016

Things to do in London

London. The capital of United Kingdom is not only the financial and business hub, but also an ideal tourist destination for all travelers around the globe. This biggest city of Britain is renowned for its  beaches, holidays homes, delectable food, shopping, amusement parks, cultural monuments, etc. and, not to forget the nightlife of the United Kingdom, 24*7 pubs & bars, sumptuous wine, regional dance, you going to fall in love with this tourist spot.

Vacation in London with family can be a rewarding experience for the whole family. Spend you day sitting at a beachside sipping orange juice with some hearty snacks, let your body free from all that tension, stress and whatever way we hurt our body, it is the time for your body to heal with the vitamin C. See the azure water and observe the mystery of nature. When the sun set, head towards the city and be a true party go human you are.

The tower of London

This place should on your “things to do in London”. The tower of London is ideal for the individual of all ages from 5-year-old children to 60-year-old man; everyone will admire its beauty, without a doubt and after, taking some selfies and photographs with this medieval castle. Move inside this building for more fun. The architecture of this building is like a prison which will excite you even more. It is advisable to talk regularly with your guide and gain more information about this monument.

The tower bridge

Many travel writers have written in their books that the tour of London is incomplete and irrelevant without visiting a place in London in known as “Tower Bridge”. This famous architectural bridge is located on the river Thames and it opens and closes two thousand times each year. Take the elevator up the walkway and take a view of the spectacular scene around you with your binoculars.  In addition to this, you can upgrade your knowledge by seeing how the steam-driven machinery was used to lift and lower the bridge in the past.

London transport museum

If you have younger children with you, then this place is best suited for your kid. This museum is a place where you can see old busses, trains, subways and much more.

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